
SUITE Office Hours and Monthly Live Mentoring w/ Q&A:

C-Suite is a self paced program. 

We’ll have ongoing ~monthly Office Hours in our Member Community while the program is running (see our community page on how to join),  so you can get feedback directly on your journey from Jackie and keep you accountable and progressing. If you show up and ask a question, you’ll get an answer, so mark your calendar! 

Also, the Live Monthly Mentoring Sessions w/ Q&A! These sessions are a chance for you to connect in real-time over live video, get support, and make progress in your journey and also help keep you accountable and progressing. Keep reading to find out more!

–>Office hours are a great chance to connect with Jackie. By engaging during Office Hours you’ll get a quick response to your #1 burning question and go deeper on Suite content and your work, as well as learn from others.

–>The Live Mentoring Group Sessions are a great chance for you to connect with each other so you feel less alone, potentially get some mindset coaching from Jackie and think aloud on your career.

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